Literary Hot List
Abe Kobo on the WWW
Libraries,Bookstores, Publishers
Japanese Arts
English Site
Japanese Site
Other Language Site
Graphic Oriented Site
Otomo Yakamochi
- Selected poems of Manyo master, Otomo Yakamoti in English. If you open the Japanese page, you find his complete poems, his biography and his family tree.
- Romaji-style texts of 4 chapters; Kiritubo, Hahakigi, Utusemi and Hanatirusato. Page owner, Mr. Shibuya Eiti is the man of Fujiwara Teka.
Lady Murasaki and Tales of Genji
- Growing multimedia database on Lady Murasaki and Tales of Genji, with list of internet resources.
Ohatu and Tokube
- Introduction of Ohatu and Tokube, heroin and hero of Tikamatu Tradgedy, in The Fictional 100 site by Ms. Lucy Pollard-Gott.
- Nanso Satomi Hakkenden (Samurai Saga of Satomi Kingdom and Eight Super Dogs in South Awa Country) was a fantastic best-selling novel in the late Tokugawa periode. You can find exciting Hakkenden world and get a brief survey of Samurai culture in this excellent site.
Lafcadio Hearn Page
- Lafcadio Hearn, born in Ireland in 1850, settled in Japan in 1890 and naturalized in Japan. He collected many Japanese folk tales and wrote many short stories and essays in English.
Soseki Musuem in London
- Natume Soseki is one of the greatest novelists in modern Japanese literature. He studied in London in two years. Soseki Musuem in London was founded in his memory at his old lodgings. This site containes plenty of materials.
- Introduction of Mushano-koji Saneatu and Shirakaba school.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
- An introduction and translations of works of Akutagawa Ryunosuke.
Motojiro Mania
- Excellent! You can find Kajii Motojiro's poetry in this site.
Miyazawa Kenji Wonderland
Myazawa Kenji Office
- Miyazawa Kenji was interesting in astronomy and wrote his masterpiece, A Night on the Galactic Railroad. This page introduces Miyazawa in the point of view of astronomy.
Haniya Yutaka Cyber Museum
- Omage page for Haniya Yutaka by students of Tatibana Takasi Seminar at Tokyo University, featuring interviews of neighbors of Haniya.
Mishima Yukio Cyber Museum
- Yamanakako villedge purchased Mishima Yukio's manuscripts and documents to build the Mishima Yukio Museum. Japan IBM presents the cyber museum on the WWW in anticipation of the real museum.
Mishima Site
- Pictures of Mishima Yukio and introductions of Mishima's book translated in English.
Tutui Yasutaka Page
- Tutui Yasutaka is the most famous SF writer in Japan and is also highly evaluated in serious literature. This page is simple, but he is going to open a grand literary site, featuring english translations of his short stories.
Oe Kenzaburo Fan Club
- Oe Kenzaburo is a Novel Literature Prize winner in 1994. This site features the biography, the bibliography, the filmography and his son, Hikaru.
Oe Kenzaburo's Address
- Introduction of Oe Kenzaburo's Speech at the Ceremony of Nobel Prize in the site of Word Bank by Sweden Bank.
Suzuki Siroyasu
- Suzuki Siroyasu is a Japanese poet in avan-gard style. This page is his own one, including poetical experiments and essaies.
- Murakami Haruki has an essay page titled "Murakami Asahido" in Shukan Asahi (Weekly Asahi Magazine). This is the Murakami Asahido's Homepage, which features a greeting voice message by Murakami himself (Murakami Haruki desu. Kon'nichiwa, in English, "I'm Murakami Haruki. Hello!"), comical illustrations by Anzai Mizumaru and editor's inside notes.
Murakami Haruki Database
- Full bibliography of Murakami Haruki and resorces on the WWW by Miss Ryu Soyoko.
Murakami Links
- Links and Book list with nice comment by Mr. Graham Chave, who study Murakami Haruki in New Zealand.
The End of the World
- Containg list of interviews and book reviews on Murakami by American writers.
Murakami Haruki
- Containing detailed introductions of Murakami's novels and essays on him.
- The Murakami Ryu's pay site. You can read the first page of Topaz in English as a sample.
Ryu Se Kanbo
- A fan page of Murakami Ryu by Eiga Hitosi, cooperated by Murakami himself.
Yamakawa Ken'iti
- Yamakawa Ken'iti is novelist and rock singer. He publishes a short-story and a CG picture in every month on the WWW.
Tawada Yoko
- Tawada Yoko is a female novelist living in Germany. She wrote brilliant short stories both in Japanse and in Geraman.
Tawad Yoko reading aloud
- German page for Tawada Yoko, featuring her picture in readin aloud.
- A Japanese-English Translator who publishs a volume of short stories by contemporary Japanese writer, for example, Shono Junzo, Ooka Shohe.
The Oriental Library
- Toyo Bunko Foundation (Oriental Library Foundation) is a specialist library and research institute on Oriental Studies and was established in 1924 by Iwasaki Hisaya who purchased the private library of George Ernest MorrisonÊ(1862-1920), advisor to the Office of the President of the Republic of China, and improved on this collection by increasing the holdings of Classical Chinese books, and further broadened the acquisition programme to include materials concerning the whole of Asia. In 1961, at the request of Unesco, the Toyo Bunko, in co-operation with other Asian countries, has come to participate in the task of introducing Asian cultures to the world.
National Institute of Japanese Literature
- NIJL was established in 1972 for collection and reservation of materials of Japanese classic literature. It opens microfilms, photocopies, indexes of old manuscripts to scholars. You can search them with online-database.
- Nichibunken (The International Research Center for Japanese Studies) is a research institution established by Japan's Ministry of Education Science and Culture to offer assistance to scholars from abroad and to support academic research on Japan.
Japan Classic Literature Reserch Institute
- It opens pathological research of Lady Murasaki and statistical one in lexicon of Tales of Genji.
The Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture
- Homepage of The Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture at Columbia University.
Introduction to Edo city
The Setuyoshus
- The Setuyoshus are Japanese dictionaries in old style. The eariest one was written in Muromati period, the latest one in 1928, but their golden age was in Edo period.
Tombstones of Japanese modern writers
- Introducing tombs of Japanese modern writeres with pictures. Mishima Yukio, Dazai Osamu, Mori Ogai, Kitahara Hakushu, Shiga Naoya and so on.
A Historic Rented House
- Mori Ogai and Natume Soseki had rented one by one in this old rented house, which had been in Sendagi, Tokyo, but now is preserved in the Meiji-mura Park, Aiti prefecture.
E-Texts (FTP)
Tales of Genji
Okuno Hosomiti
Kanadehonn Chusingura
Libraries, Bookstores, Publishers
All Japanese Books
- You can search all available books in Japan.
Japanse nastional Diet Library
Yaesu Book Center
- You can search Japanese books and order them in these sites.
Magzine in Japan
- It shows covers and tables of contents of Japanese Magazines in graphical images. You can order them online.
- The largest bookstore in Japan.
Web Sincho
- Online Magazine by Sinchosha Co.
Kawade Shobo
Nisikado's Play Page
- Five members review 792 performances of 346 young companies in recent 4 years. You can survey new theatrical world of Japan.
Theatre Diary by Komatu Miyuki
- Miss Komatu is student of the Waseda university, which is a center of underground theatre. Her reviews are accurate.
60th birthday celebration for Betuyaku Minoru
- Betuyaku Minoru is one of leaders of underground theatre and the greatest contemporary playrights in Japan. He wrote over 100 plays in 60 years. This site was dedicated for his achievements.
- Bungakuza is one of historic company. This site is not official, but set up by Mr. Isida Keisuke, an actor of Bungakuza.
Tubouti Shoyo Theatre Museum
- Tubouti Shoyo Theatre Museum was founded by the Waseda university in memory of professor Tubouti, who reformed Japanese old play in Meiji era.
Noh & Kyogen
- Introduction to the Noh Drama and the Kyogen Comedy.
Kabuki for Everyone
- by Itimura Manjiro, Kabuki actor.
Shunsen Museum
- Shunsen is a modern Japanese painter of Yamatoe style. He painted a lot of portraits of Kabuki actors in Taisho era.
Japanese Arts
Beautiful Japanese Gardens
Japanese acrobatic feats and spectacles
- Gagaku is an ancient Japanese music, which is yet played in Sinto ceremonies.
International Shakuhati Institute
- Shakuhati is a Japanese traditional instrument made of bamboo. It looks like a clarinet but its tunes are completely different.
Noh Masks
Japan Photo Gallery
- Mr. W. Dire Wolff, photographer, cartoonist, and essaist, publishes pictures and essays on Japan.
Wasan and Sangaku
- Wasan is the Japanese mathematics in Edo periode equal to european contemporary one. Publish their achievements, masters of Wasan made pictures named Sangaku, which they dedicated to Jinja shrines.
Jinja Online Network League
- The Jinja is the shrine of Sintoism. This league is a network of Jinjas owning WWW pages.
Fireworks Information
- Fireworks are traditional arts of Japan. Many fireworks exhibitions are taken place in summer.
- Yamabusi is ascetic of the Shugendo, which is the Sintoism mixed with the Buddism.
Chinese Poetry
Ninja Site
- Nichibunken is a Research institution established by Japan's Ministry of Education Science and Culture to offer assistance to scholars and to support academic research on Japan.
- The National Museum of Japanese History, popularly known as the Rekihaku, is Japan's only national museum of history. Its research and exhibits try to cover the full spectrum of Japanese history and culture.
Copyright 1999 Kato Koiti
This page was created on Apr11 1996; Last updated Aug31 1998.